
[August 2022]

I am a Lecturer in Law at the University of Bristol, UK. My doctoral research focused on the interactions between gender identities and law, including the influence of international human rights law on the understanding of gender recognition frameworks within domestic legal systems. My current research retains this focus, and I am also interested in critical feminist legal studies, particularly regarding reproductive justice, and processes of decolonising gender in law.

I am a member of the steering group of Lawyers for Choice, and proud of having played a part in the campaign to repeal the Eighth Amendment. LfC will continue to advocate for reproductive justice and legal awareness across Ireland.

I am also co-author (with Zhan Chiam and Matilda Gonzalez Gil) of ILGA’s Trans Legal Mapping Report, currently in its third edition.

Kildare woman living in England with an LL.B from Trinity College Dublin, an LL.M in International Human Rights Law from UCC, and a PhD from NUI Galway. She/they pronouns. Irredeemable feminist killjoy.

All opinions shared in this blog are personal, and not those of the University of Bristol or of ILGA.

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